12/4/2022 Work Session

Bob, Matt, Paul and Leverett worked on making a mount on the steam dome for the davit crane, so the throttle valve can easily be removed. Bob brought his profile cutter and along with his plasma cutter was able to cut a piece of 1/2” plate to fit over the dome studs along with some spacer washers. This part fit perfectly and made the job of making the base mount much easier that it would have been otherwise. Two braces were added to the crane base and were secured to the trailer side rails using 2 old 2 inch boiler tubes.

Ron and Al laid out and drilled the holes in the back of the tender cistern for the hold down brackets and are now in place with temporary fitup bolts until we are ready to rivet them in place. Roger and Will made gaskets from tar paper that will be placed between the hold down brackets and tender cistern. Afterwards, Leverett showed Will how to oil 470's machinery.

Present for the December 4th workday were Bob D., Paul V., Ron and Al Jenkins, Roger Bennati, Matt Hofer, Leverett Fernald and new volunteer Will Ternay.