6/10/2023 Work Session

Roger continued with needle scaling bits and pieces.  After amassing quite a collection of cleaned parts, Brian got most of them primed up on Sunday.

Bob welded two old 2” tubes together, which were threaded through the smokebox, boiler and into the firebox.  This allowed hanging of lighting to illuminate the entire interior.  Brian set up a ventilation blower to provide fresh air into the boiler.  Paul spent much time in the “tube” cleaning up tube ends and swept the floor, filling a few sacks (and his hair) with debris.

All of us tackled removing the throttle from the boiler.  We were able to remove the throttle spool from the body.  There was no corrosion of any kind inside, and the piston ring was absolutely perfect.  Nice surprise! This was lowered to the ground, giving the previously installed davit its first test.  We got the locking nut for the throttle shaft backed off, but the shaft still needs more persuasion to unscrew….   The upper throttle body mounting bolts were removed after diligent work.

During the next work session, we will tackle the dry pipe connection and throttle shaft.  Then the throttle body will be free.

In attendance on this fine day was Bob D., Paul VS, Brian Herbert, and Roger.  Leverett was about also.