8/5/2023 Work Session

Success today! The top row of rivets on the cab wall, near the roofline, was successfully riveted. We have been struggling for some time to set rivets in this tight space.

First, all the old attempts had to be drilled out before the new rivets could be set in. One thing we learned is that regardless of how the heading over of the rivet came out, they were all quite difficult to remove and certainly wanted to keep things together!

Once in place, the rivets were perfected with some cosmetic touch ups of the rivet heads.

The success was brought about by everything we have learned in previous attempts and prototypes, as well as a new forging oven bought for heating rivets. We are loving the new additional heat control this is providing.

Roger continued to needle scale the plethora of small parts that need to get cleaned up.

Everyone worked on getting the shop prepared for Touch a Train 2023. We can’t wait to see you out at the yard. Get all the details at www.touchatrain.org. The event is free!

Present for today’s work session were Leverett, Paul VS, Bob, Roger and Brian H.